Walnut Grove Church
Summary History

1904  Plumtree School for Boys established.

1905  Plumtree Church organized.  Also formed chapels at Pinola, Hughes, Crossnore.

1908 Walnut Grove services held in an old house near Wiseman Sawmill.

1914  One room white chapel built on one acre of donated land.

1923  Rev Theophilus W. Clapp becomes pastor

1970  Chapels associated with Plumtree became independent.

1971 Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church organized.

1972  New church building begun.

1983  Mortgage paid off.

         Headstart Program hosted by Walnut Grove Church

2016  Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church is released and becomes
           Walnut Grove Church.


1923 - 1963  Rev Theophilus W. Clapp

1963 -             Bill Wilkins, Roderick Hall

1975 - 1980   Rev. Harold Stone

1981 - 1985   Dr Bill Bomar

1985  Rev. Ken Lance

          Kurt Bomar

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